10 Most Notable Events in AI March 2024 Recap

10 Most Notable Events in AI March 2024 Recap

Updated 1st Mar '24

1. Bard Transforms into Gemini with Ultra 1.0 and Mobile App Launch

Bard has been rebranded as Gemini, introducing a mobile app and the advanced Ultra 1.0 model, which is now the most preferred chatbot in blind evaluations, offering capabilities for complex tasks and creative collaborations. Gemini is also launching on mobile platforms, offering a new way to interact with AI through typing, talking, or using images, and it's available as part of the Google One AI Premium Plan, with further integrations into Google services planned.

Source: Google Blog

2. Groq's Revolutionary AI Accelerator Surpasses ChatGPT and Gemini in Speed and Efficiency

Groq, a company formed by former Google TPU engineers, has developed a Language Processing Unit (LPU) that outperforms traditional Nvidia GPUs used in AI applications like ChatGPT, achieving speeds of up to 500 tokens per second with significantly lower latency and energy consumption. This advancement promises to dramatically increase the speed and efficiency of AI inferencing, challenging industry giants and potentially transforming the use of large language models and other AI technologies.

Source: Groq

3. AI Reveals Brain Differences Between Men and Women

Stanford Medicine researchers have developed an artificial intelligence model capable of accurately distinguishing between male and female brains, demonstrating over 90% success in identifying the sex from brain scan activities. This breakthrough, published on February 20 in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, highlights significant sex differences in brain organization that could influence our understanding of neuropsychiatric conditions that differentially affect women and men.

Source: Stanford University

4. OpenAI's Sora: A Leap in Generative Video Technology

OpenAI introduces Sora, an advanced generative video model capable of creating high-definition film clips from short text descriptions, showcasing significant advancements in text-to-video generation with a focus on detail and realism in videos up to a minute long. However, despite its impressive capabilities demonstrated in sample videos, OpenAI plans to keep Sora under wraps, limiting access to safety testers and selected creators, due to concerns about potential misuse of photorealistic video generation.

Source: OpenAI

5. Google Launches Gemma an open AI model

Google has launched Gemma, a new family of state-of-the-art, lightweight open models developed by Google DeepMind and other teams, aimed at fostering responsible AI development and innovation among developers and researchers. The Gemma models, available in two sizes and equipped with tools for safe application creation, support a variety of frameworks and hardware, ensuring easy accessibility and optimization for performance across platforms. Source: Google Blog

6. Mistral AI Releases Advanced Language Model Mistral Large with Azure Integration

Mistral AI has launched Mistral Large, their most advanced language model, featuring top-tier reasoning capabilities and availability through Azure and La Plateforme. This flagship model excels in multilingual tasks, complex reasoning, and is positioned as the world's second-ranked API-available model, also introducing a latency-optimized version, Mistral Small, alongside updates to their service offerings.

Source: Mistral News

7. Phind-70B A Fast High-Quality Code Generation Model

Phind-70B is introduced as the latest, most efficient model that outperforms GPT-4 Turbo in code quality while being four times faster, offering real-time performance and significant improvements over the CodeLlama-70B model. Despite scoring slightly lower on Meta's CRUXEval, it matches or exceeds GPT-4 Turbo in real-world code generation tasks and is now available for users to try, with plans to release its weights to the open-source community.

Source: Phid

8. GeneGPT Enhanced Biomedical Information Access Through NCBI Web APIs

GeneGPT is a novel tool-enhanced large language model (LLM) specifically designed to improve access to biomedical information by leveraging NCBI Web APIs to accurately answer information-seeking questions, demonstrating superior performance on GeneTuring tasks with significant advancements over previous models. The tool's effectiveness is highlighted by empirical results, showing its ability to execute complex API calls and provide insights for future enhancements in the domain of specialized knowledge.

Source: GitHub

9. AI Breakthrough in Nuclear Fusion Overcomes Key Challenge

Scientists have utilized artificial intelligence to address a significant hurdle in nuclear fusion energy, enabling the prediction and prevention of plasma instabilities in real-time, which are critical for maintaining sustained fusion reactions. This advancement, demonstrated at the DIII-D National Fusion Facility, marks a significant step towards harnessing nuclear fusion, a potential game-changer for clean energy, although commercial viability remains a distant goal.

Source: CNN

10. End to End Protein Generation with ForceGen Using Nonlinear Mechanical Responses and a Language Diffusion Model

The study introduces ForceGen, a generative deep learning model that designs novel proteins with targeted nanomechanical properties, bypassing natural protein constraints. Utilizing a pre-trained protein language model and molecular simulations, ForceGen effectively maps mechanical unfolding responses to amino acid sequences, generating proteins with specified mechanical strengths and responses, demonstrating a significant step towards custom-designed protein materials.

Source: Sience.org